Basic Usage

GraphLog can be used as a regular Python module to access the datasets used in the paper “Evaluating Logical Generalization in Graph Neural Networks”. Additionally, GraphLog also provides necessary Dataset and DataLoader packages for easy training and evaluation.

Loading the data

When GraphLog is imported for the first time, it downloads the data and creates a ./data directory in the current working directory. The downloaded data is then unzipped and placed within this directory.

from graphlog import GraphLog
gl = GraphLog()

To change the data directory, pass the data_dir argument.

gl = GraphLog(data_dir='/tmp/data')

Viewing the data

GraphLog consists of multiple datasets. Each dataset is built using its own set of rules, which themselves are procedurally generated and sampled from a large knowledge-base.

To view all possible datasets in GraphLog:


This will provide a list of dataset ids in train, valid and test splits. To load a single dataset, use the get_dataset_by_name method:

rule_3 = gl.get_dataset_by_name('rule_3')

>> graphlog.dataset.GraphLogDataset

This will load a GraphLogDataset object, which is in-turn a Pytorch Dataset instance. Each dataset also has its own training, validation and test splits.

The GraphLogDataset object essentially contains Pytorch Geometric graphs, a query tuple of <source, sink> nodes for each datapoint, and a label or relation to predict.

You can also view the aggregate statistics of the dataset:


>> Data Split : train,
Number of Classes : 16,
Number of Descriptors : 189,
Average Resolution Length : 3.632142857142857,
Average number of nodes : 11.137  and edges : 13.273
{'num_class': 16,
 'num_des': 189,
 'avg_resolution_length': 3.632142857142857,
 'num_nodes': 11.137,
 'num_edges': 13.273,
 'split': 'train'}

You can also convert the dataset into networkx format, in order to perform quick calculations or visualization:

import networkx as nx
from graphlog.utils import load_networkx_graphs
nx_graphs, nx_queries = load_networkx_graphs(rule_3.json_graphs["train"])[0])

To view a single graph in the dataset, you can also use the inbuilt display_single_graph api.

gl.display_single_graph(rule_3, "train",21)

Extracting dataloaders

We provide a method to generate dataloaders for each dataset as follows:

rule_3_train = gl.get_dataloader_by_mode(rule_3, mode="train")
rule_3_valid = gl.get_dataloader_by_mode(rule_3, mode="valid")
rule_3_test = gl.get_dataloader_by_mode(rule_3, mode="test")

Supervised Training

A very minimal dummy training script is provided below to show how easy it is to train your models.

for batch_idx, batch in enumerate(rule_3_train):
    graphs = batch.graphs
    queries = batch.queries
    targets = batch.targets
    world_graphs = batch.world_graphs
    logits = your_model(graphs, queries, world_graphs)